Hello All ! I'm Pawan 👋

A passionate Developer having an experience in Data Analystics, Machine Learning and Web Development and want to develop sustainable and scalable social and technical systems to create impact

What I Do ?

Data Analytics & ML

💥 Developing Models that cleaning, tranforming and analyse Raw data to discover useful informations, in order to make conclusions about the informations.

💥 Experience of working with different python Libraries like Numpy,Pandas,Matplotlib,Seaborn etc and have knowlege of Data analyitical algorithm and techniques.

Web Development

💥 Building Fully responsive website front end using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap and Javascript.

💥 As of now I have knowledge only of front end but in near future I will add more features to myself and excited to explore React , NodeJS, Django , Flask and many more.

💥 I have also used Abode Photoshop, Illustrator and Figma to design User interface of websites and mobile application and design of logos.

Data Structure and Algorithms

💥 I have knowledge of Data Structure like Hash Tables, Trees, Tries, Graphs, and various algorithms for solving various problems efficiently.

💥 As I know Data Structure and Algorithms are the heart of programming, So I loves to solve programming question in different competitive website like codeforce,codechef,hackerrank and many more.